Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Spice rack...Bock bock bock

Ive mentioned before in my Crazy rooster post down below about my crazy kitchen colors scheme with little hints of poultry
well I found this little beauty at Goodwill!

$4 Bocks lol I'll be here all night!
I didnt even think of what I would do with it
I took it to my parents house because it needed a bit of mending
(nail guns are fun!)
Then my daddy with all his creativity said it would make a great spice rack!
So I was even more excited about this little random Coup/coop(?)
So ofcourse I did not approve of the color and Spray painted it with Rustoleum
there'snothing to special about this project only that it was fun! 
And its always fun to find different things and make them neato!

Heres the finished project and when I've hung it up I will show it in all its glory!
I may be antiquing it I will post if i do!

Here are some fun creative Spice rack ideas I found in google image search




Barstool make over! Like totally!

My sweet mom in law gave me these really neat bar-stools (thank you mom!)

So of course I saw a new blank canvas and went to town 

Items needed
Spray paint 
I heart Rustoleum ultra cover wood, metal and plastic it seriously rocks! 

YOUR BEAUTIFUL MIND for creativity

1. Cover the seats with newspaper

2.Spray paint upside down barstool
dry a bit

3.then spray barstool right side up

4.remove newspaper and pray the parts the may have been covered up
I think plastic wrap would have been easier over the newspaper to protect the seat
5.apply coats as you see fit
I only did one because the Spray paint i purchased is so awesome!
leave as is! 

6. tape a design on the seat or use a pretty stencil
I used tape! 

Now I wanted one design to be symetrical and clean cut- Here's a half checkered board
and the other to bit a bit sloppy-  here's my messy Chevron pattern

7.Spray Paint directly above and try not to angle it 
as to not get any on the legs if its a different color


9.Remove tape! this is so thrilling....I know I need to get out more

Showing off my nail polish! ooooo sparkly

WOW! you have the coolest barstools on the block!

See I got a bit of blue on the seat but its still NEAT!

I suggest getting a mask the fumes from the paint are so icky I was holding my breath then running away to breath lol
great work out ,but im getting a mask! =)