Master Jedi Mommy

It Seems the Force brought you to meeesa's blog. I love Star Wars! I always have from watching it over barney as a kid, to freaking out my parents thinking I had dual personalities imitating Emperor Palpatine....
Any who... I feel like as a mommy and wife I use the force.

Jedi mind tricks "You don't want to throw a fit about wanting to watch the Walking Dead, You want to go to your room and rethink your life ...because you're 4 go to bed"

Force Grip 
-Trying to change a 2 year old wearing leg braces (like dodging dual handed lightsaber) poopy cloth diaper. 
-Carrying twins up the stairs

Using my will powers to move objects gracefully into my hands
 "I really wish I had actual will power to reach the remote to switch netflix episode because Im comfortably nursing right now.
Like a Jedi You may find me running around in my Jedi Robes and PJ's

This Blog will illustrate my experiences and stuff from the following topics (note: I am an amateur just having fun)
Having a Special needs Child
My four year old is a teenager
I'm a Mormon 
Cloth Diapering
Healthy Eating
Being Crunchy 
Costume Making
Large families
SImple living
Basset Hounds
Fun beauty products 
Who's Scruffy Lookin'

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