Friday, March 7, 2014

Encouragement. What encourages you?

This right here.


Just kidding actually it does I like the light humor and when I am nervous or doing something really hard or going through a sad time I tend to joke and may be a little inappropriate. just ask my son's brain surgeon...

"I'm the kinda guy that laughs at a funeral dadadadada soon will" or something anyways.

So here's what encourages me. your list is probably similar.

Our Savior.
My religion
My hubby bubby
my children (hey mom I threw up on the carpet and I know you still love me <3)
My dog (she see me do some embarrassing stuff No judgment there ,she eats her own poo)
My moms! (you're like oh yeah she's Mormon) NO! silly! My mommy and Mother in law
My dads ! My daddy and Dad- in law
Family in general
Uplifting media! 
people that smile
Mexican food! 
SO here's another probably even more so encouraging meme than dear old richard ^^^

-President THomas S. Monson <3

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