Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Cloth diapering a Toddler and Twins part 1

I  have passionate feelings for cloth diapering. warm and fuzzy feelings!
I know some would say "like eww!"
 I'm all like "I like big butts and I cannot lie!" 
no seriously diapers make babies butts look big and they pull it off!
I started when My eldest was 6 months! Then clothed my second. Took a few reaks back and forth whilst the house was for sale. Now Im clothing my twins and toddler! 

older 2 back in the day. baby and toddler
Toddler and  baby Twins
Why do I cloth diaper? 

-It's cheaper than diapers! with three in diapers two boxes of diapers from Costco would be  $80. $80 bucks a month! and what if we were buying pampers! GASP!

-It's better for their Skin.. Cloth diapers breath! I also change them a little more than with disposables.,

-I think I get more eye contact time with the kids. Since I change them more we get more one on one time. we enjoy giggles!

Its great for the environment!

My garage doesn't smell of STANKAY POOPY DIAPERS until garbage day (sometime we miss garbage day! *shivers*!!!!)

MY Kids don't leak in cloth diapers. They probably have  peed out of every disposable diaper we've put them in.

I like how natural and right it feels to me.

 lastly this may sound nuts but I have a strong feeling of connection to my grandmother and ancestors who undoubtedly clothed diapered their little ones (disposable haven't been around that long when you think about it!) When I wash the prefolds and change my kiddos I just imagine myself on the great plains or on a boat fleeing France (Huguenots). Even though I have a washer and dryer  I still get that feeling of comradery with them.  

In part 2 I will share what types of covers and inserts I use! Stay tuned!

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