Saturday, April 19, 2014

Gluten Free easter basket!

My son has tuberous sclerosis complex and we were told he'd have a 80% chance of having autism. My hubby and I were and still are like who cares lets have fun being healthy!
lately last 6 months he has developed a handful of stimming repetitions and still having a hard time communicating. Though he hasn't been officially diagnosed it doesn't take a PHD to say hey kid I think you're Autistic lets go have some fun and be super healthy!

I've been readding and reading info and testimonials about the AMAZING benefits of a clean, gluten free and cassein free diet..

first we started him actually everyone in the home on a clean and simple diet.  No cream of chicken casseroles stuff like that (we don't miss them at all!)
then replaced his snacks with gluten free and/or casein free alternatives
gluten free pretzles
rice chex

My hubby loves to have oreos with the kids after dinner so we replace the Oreo oreos with gluten free/ casein free oreos and these delish Glutino brand Chocolate sugar wafers

we replaced the deli meat that he so loves with Boar's head Deli meats because they are GLUTEN FREE and so tasty!

He reacts poorly to Cow milk

but does well on cheese
liquid whey 
plain yogurt with fruit
goat milk

My daughter and I also have issues with candida and yeast so we have cut out breads and sugars and limit dairy.
not as easy! but worth it!

GO organic! yes it may be more $$$ but not by much and we are less tempted to throw stuff that we dont need in the cart because it just hikes up the tab.

The kids all drink lots of water, 
as well as
green Goddess/applejuice/water
Odwalla, Bolthouse, and fresh carrot juice /apple juice/water

So anywaysthis year our easter baskets are even more fun than the years before. and CHeaper even with gluten free and organic products.

here are our "baskets"
(my son loves oatmeal so hence the gluten free rolled oat and he could care less about toys)

Gluten free pirate booty cheese puffs

gluten free/sugar gummy bears (don't eat too many! lol)
Annie's gluten free mac and cheese
gluten free rolled
not pictured  bag of organic baby carrots and a couple gluten free cinnamon rolls

gluten free Easter basket

Gluten  free Easter basket



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