Saturday, October 6, 2012

Cock a doodle- doo

I have this crazy contemporary color pallet in my head.
The colors are  as follows:
Lime Green 
I splash of purple

I wanted a chicken to go above my kitchen cabinets.
I started my search at a couple different goodwill stores, dollar stores, garden ridge, ect.
Nothing.. No cluck cluck

Now this chicken wasn't going to be like other chickens. It could look like other chickens,but remember my color pallet. I'm not going for the traditional farm colors So I planed on spray painting the poultry turquoise.

Then My wonderful Sister in-law suggested Ross
 She happened to be going and invited me to come. I declined, it was a busy day and my kiddos needed to have some mommy cuddle time. The Next day she showed me a picture of this chicken that was actually a rooster, but I didn't care whatev!! This crazy  rooster had all of my colors! So I raced over there early morning  Low and behold (like it was a surprise, it's kind of an oddball piece and was waiting for a crazy lady like me to pick it up) It was there on the shelf! So thank you sister in- law you rock!  I will have to save spray painting figurines for another time.
Here it is!
Cock a doodle doo! 
He's poseing with my daughters "tea party rocks"

Once again My choice in decor has left my Hubby scratching his head.
 Side note- we are in the middle of new constructions so he doesn't see my decor plan as I do... poor guy he's missing out =P and I know he will love it once its all in place.

The moral of this post is to stick with your ideas and decor dreams because you never know when you'll find that beautiful or bizarre  piece you were looking for.
The treasure hint is the funnest part...even with screaming children in the cart =/ 

Kooky Rooster cost $13.99 at Ross
I dont know if I saved money but my original plan was
A chicken $ ?.??
Spray paint $3.78 ish

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